THE STUDIES ON THE CHANGE IN THE FORMED ELEMENTS OF BLOOD ON THE LOADING OF SUBMAXIMAL MOTOR INTENSITY Ⅱ : On the change of Leucocytes 최대하(最大下) 운동강도(運動强度)의 부하(負荷)와 혈액(血液)의 유형성분(有形成分)의 변동(變動) Ⅱ: Leucocytes의 변동(變動)에 대하여
8(0) 3-7, 1973
THE STUDIES ON THE CHANGE IN THE FORMED ELEMENTS OF BLOOD ON THE LOADING OF SUBMAXIMAL MOTOR INTENSITY Ⅱ : On the change of Leucocytes 최대하(最大下) 운동강도(運動强度)의 부하(負荷)와 혈액(血液)의 유형성분(有形成分)의 변동(變動) Ⅱ: Leucocytes의 변동(變動)에 대하여
The Studies are based on the historogical experiments about the changes in the formed elements of blood on the loading of an approximate submaximal motor intensity of 170 beats per minute.
The following results were obtained after the microscopic experiments on the changes in the leucocytes in the blood sampled from the groups of athletes and non-athletes both before and after the step-test.
1) the percetile changes in the cell tupes of the leucocytes in the unit volume of the concentrated blood, the neutrophils decreased and the lymphocytes increased.
2) While, In terms of the permanent changes, the difference in the neutrophils was not significant, but the difference in the lymphocytes was very much notable.
3) Alittle derement was noted in the change of the eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes for the two groups, but the difference was negligible.
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A Study on Comparison of Physical Fitness between Physical Education Major Students and Non - Physical Education Major Students 체육 대학생과 일반 대학생의 체력에 관한 비교연구
최영근Y.K.Choi , 박철빈C.B.Park
8(0) 9-21, 1973
A Study on Comparison of Physical Fitness between Physical Education Major Students and Non - Physical Education Major Students 체육 대학생과 일반 대학생의 체력에 관한 비교연구
최영근Y.K.Choi , 박철빈C.B.Park
The purpose of this study was to gain physical education data through the measurement of the physical fitness test which was offered to the two groups of physical education major students (male 188, female 92) and Non-Physical Education major students (male 602, female 306).
Classification of the Measurement
For the convenience of the measurement, the researcher of this study classify the measurement into the following catagories :
A. Physical Constitution
1. Body Height
2. Body Weight
3. Chest Girth
B. Physical Fitness
1. 100 meter run
2. 1500 meter run (for male)
1,000 meter run (for female)
3. Chinning
4. Throwing
5. Sit-ups
6. Standing Trunk Flextion
7. Shuttle run
8. Standing broad jump
9. Running broad jump
The results of this study pointed out the following facts :
1. Physical education major male students (A group) recorded on an average the height of 170.7 centimeter which was 1.9 centimeter taller than the average height of non-physical education major male students (B group). And the average height of physical education major female student (C group) recorded 159.7㎝ which was 2.2㎝ taller than that of non-physical education major female students (D group).
2. An average body weight of A group weighed 66㎏ which was 5.9㎏ bigger than that of B group. And the average weight of C group was 50.8kg and that of D group was 49.3kg.
3. An average length of the chest girth of A group recorded 94.6cm and that of B group recorded 87. lcm. In the female groups C group recorded on an average 81.9cm which was 4cm bigger than D group.
4. In the measurement of 100 meter run, A group recorded The average speed of 13.5 sec. which was 1. 0 sec. faster than the average record of 14. 5 sec. in the B group. An average record of C group was 17.9 sec. and D group recorded on the average 19.9 sec.
5. An average record of 1500meter run of the A group showed 335.4 sec. and that of the B group in 1, 000 meter run was 246. 3 sec. The average record of 1, 000 meter run in C group was 250.1 sec. and that of the D group in 800 meter run showed 272. 3 sec.
6. In the chinning test of male students, the average numbers of the A group recorded 12.5 times which was 4. 8 times more than the average 7. 7 times of the B group. The C group recorded 7. 5 seconds which was 1.1 seconds longer than 6.4 seconds in D group.
7. In throwing test, an average distance of A group recorded 42.1 meters and the average distance of B group was 33.5 meters. The C group showed the average distance of 19.1 meters and the D group recorded 16.9 meters.
8. In the measurement of sit-up test, the number of the A group was 25.4times and that of the B group was 19.2 times. The C group recorded 16.9 times and the D group recorded 8 times.
9. In the result of standing trunk flextion test, the A group recorded on the average 18.4cm and an average length of the B group recorded 13. 3cm. The C group recorded on an average 19.8cm and the average record of the D group was 13. 7cm.
10. An average shuttle-run test record of the A group showed 10. 9 sec. which was 0. 7 sec. faster than that of the B group. And the record of the C group was 12. 7 sec. which was 1.1 sec. faster than the D group.
11. In standing broad jump test, an average distance of the A group recorded 249. 1cm and that of the C group was 187.3cm. In running broad jump test, the average distance of the B group recorded 387 cm and that of the C group was 258 cm.
Key Words
Analyse de I'entrainement et des Conditions Physiques de I'equipe Nationale de Judo de Coree du Sud 체력(體力)으로 본 한국(韓國) 국가대표급유도선수(國家代表級柔道選手)의 평가(評價)
8(0) 23-30, 1973
Analyse de I'entrainement et des Conditions Physiques de I'equipe Nationale de Judo de Coree du Sud 체력(體力)으로 본 한국(韓國) 국가대표급유도선수(國家代表級柔道選手)의 평가(評價)
Je Judo, discipline purementa I’origine d’Extreme Orient, et maintenant integre aux Jeux Olympiques, se Pratigue aujourd’ hui partout au mond.
Nous avons essaye d’analyser les conditions physiques des membres de I’equipe nationale de Judo de notre pays afin de pouvoir utiliser ces elements acquis pour elaborer une methode scientifique et rationnelle de I’entrainement sur le plan de la competition.
Pour parvenir a ce but nous avons essaye de determiner I’etat de I’evoluation de la capacite shysique des membres de notre equipe de Judo au cours de 50dernier jours censecutifs de I’entrainement intensif.
D, apres le resultat de cet experience, la condi-tion physique de ces athletes (Judokas) sest developpee d’une fac¿on considerable,
Par exemple,
1. Force musculaire,
(1) Bras et Epaules:
-Tirer sest developpe 2.80㎏ en moyen,
-Pousser sest developpe 6.00 ㎏ en moyen,
(2) Poigne:
-Droits sest developpe 2.23 ㎏ en moyen,
-Gaucho sest developpe 3.20 ㎏ en moyen,
(3) Dos sest developpe 11.20 ㎏ en moyen.
2. Resistance
(1) Resistance Ventrale sest developpe 4.80fois fois en moyen,
(2) Resistance Cardiaque ‘est developpe 8.0(Index) en moyen,
3. sSoupless,
(1) Flexion devant sest developpe 2.90 ㎝ en moyen,
(2) Hyper-extenssion sest developpe 4.26 ㎝ en moyen,
Cependant, il faut remarquer que chey les athletes dont la wis en train physique etait deja tres poussee les progres ne peuvent e^tre pue limites generalement.
Par consequent. le resultat obtenu par notre analyse temoigne que I’eqvipe Core’enne de Judo n’etait pes suf fisament develope les elements clefs des le premier stade son Programme d’entrainement.
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The Investigation Study About the High School Students Interests in Sports According to Their Local Differences 고등학교 학생들의 운동흥미의 지역차에 관한 조사 연구 - 서울·인천·평택·포천군을 대상으로 -
김상국SangKukKim , 김정주ChungChuKim
8(0) 31-46, 1973
The Investigation Study About the High School Students Interests in Sports According to Their Local Differences 고등학교 학생들의 운동흥미의 지역차에 관한 조사 연구 - 서울·인천·평택·포천군을 대상으로 -
김상국SangKukKim , 김정주ChungChuKim
It is natural to be thought that the growing students have various interests in their sports according to their local surroundings. And the followings are the students different interests in their sports.
1. The favorite sports of the students in Seoul area are baseball for male and female students, in Inchon table-tennis and swimming for male students for both male and famale students, and in country volleyball for the both students, and in country volleyball for the both students. In country basefall and badminton these two sports are more popular than the other sports. Especially for females case, in country, these two sports indicated five to ten percent higher than the others. The reason is suggested because they are worth to be good recreation and need the moderate of sports exercises.
2. For skilled of sports, mule students were state, baseball and female students showed badminton, swimming in Seoul In Inchon former was table-tennis swimming and the batter indicated a tendency which they were by excellence in table-tennis and skate. Both male and female students in country indicated the the advantage from 4 percent to 9 percent compare with the students in Seoul and Inchon.
3. Most male students wanted to learn sports such as ski horse man ship in Inchon. In country, they wanted to learn basefall for female students, they wanted ski, horse man ship in Seoul and swimming in Inchon, skate in Country. The reason both male and famale students wanted to learn the sports when it was considered as good recreation.
4. It was found to be showed the highest interest of which the family agreed to reinforce the sports. and the second highest interest was showed as they were out of the sports activities. And only percent of them was disagreeable or opposite to the sports itself.
Key Words
현행체력(現行體力) 검사(檢査)에 대(對)한 검토(檢討) 연구(硏究)
8(0) 47-52, 1973
현행체력(現行體力) 검사(檢査)에 대(對)한 검토(檢討) 연구(硏究)
Key Words
A Comparative Study of Sportsmanship Between Korean Students and Foreign Students 스포오츠맨쉽에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (스포오츠 모럴(moral)에 관한 한국(韓國) 및 서구각국(西歐各國)과의 비교연구(比較硏究)Ⅰ )
高興煥H.H.Ko , 전선기S.K.Chun
8(0) 53-61, 1973
A Comparative Study of Sportsmanship Between Korean Students and Foreign Students 스포오츠맨쉽에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (스포오츠 모럴(moral)에 관한 한국(韓國) 및 서구각국(西歐各國)과의 비교연구(比較硏究)Ⅰ )
高興煥H.H.Ko , 전선기S.K.Chun
Statement of Problem
The purpose of the present research is to derive general concepts and patterns of understanding of "sportsmanship" from student’s of several foreign countries which represent respective differences in race, history, and tradition. The result shows both similarities and contrasts between countries fur which investigators to locate the relevant causes which, in turn, relate locgially to their occurrences. Also attempted in the research is to discover regularilities between the occurrences of similarities or differences and the logical causes.
One thousand and eight-hundred and eighty-two subjects were randomby chosen from secondary school to colleges. The investigators used questionnaire for the collection of data. The format of questionnaire for the study was the same format whmich use in other countries.
The Results
The investigators obtained from this study are as follows;
1. On "sportsmanship," Germany and Switzerland have shown similar tendency.
2. On "icon-sportsmanship," three different patterns have been displayed in Korea, Japan, and the three western countries respectively.
3. Korea has shown the most number of respondents for item (1) in the column on "sportsmanship." On the other hand, other countries chole item (6) as representing "sportsmanship."
4. In the column on "non-sportsmanship," item (6) received highest number of respondents in Korea; other countries, item (1), "illegality."
5. Below the items of first priority in either column, diversities in reponses have been exposed as the levels of respondents moves up to the universities.
6. In the universities of Germany, highest numbers of favors were given to item (10) and item (3) in the two columns, respoectively.
Key Words
Sports 행동(行動)에 관한 동기요인분석(動機要因分析)
8(0) 63-68, 1973
Sports 행동(行動)에 관한 동기요인분석(動機要因分析)
Key Words
체육철학(體育哲學)의 형성(形成)
김대식 , 김정치
8(0) 69-73, 1973
체육철학(體育哲學)의 형성(形成)
김대식 , 김정치
Key Words
Humanizing the Systemis Concept For Use in Health Science Education
Daeshik Kim , T. Demetr Vacalis
8(0) 75-79, 1973
Humanizing the Systemis Concept For Use in Health Science Education
Daeshik Kim , T. Demetr Vacalis
This paper attempted to briefly review the systems concept for curriculum development as described by Mager. In that model, the concept of a system, its component structures and interrelationships were discussed as they pertain to health education. In addition, a new dimension, the affective domain as it relates to the system, was explored. The systematic planning for a humanistic educational system that is relevant as well as affords a strong evaluative structure is necessary in dealing with the trial feeling-thinking student.